意大利可持续建筑奖(International Prize for Sustainable Architecture)2024年国际专业竞赛已公布。
自2014 年版起,国际可持续建筑奖(the International Prize for Sustainable Architecture)每年都会与Fassa Bortolo 意大利可持续建筑奖(Fassa Bortolo Italian Prize for Sustainable Architecture)交替进行国际专业竞赛:一个向意大利大学毕业论文、博士论文和研究生硕士论文的年轻作者开放的新部分。
Gold Medal
The case of the former Konepaja train factory in Helsinki.
Pietro Pucci, Nicola Roso (authors)
Giovanni Avosani (supervisor)
Ferrara University
Silver Medal
LIVING THE INFORMAL - Strategies for the development of informal settlements through the right to adequate housing: the case of Kibera.
Francesca Mazzocchetti (author)
Domenico Potenza (supervisor)
“G.D’Annunzio” Chieti-Pescara Pescara University
Honourable Mention
Community Resilience in the face of disasters: Lessons from Brazil’s Ruins
Léa Delafosse (author)
Alessandra Zanelli (Politecnico di Milano) , Arthur Hunold Lara (FAUUSP) (supervisors)
Politecnico di Milano - FAUUSP
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