德国国家设计奖(German Design Award)是当代设计行业的先导者,在全球范围内具有很强的竞争力和影响力。该奖项设立于2012年,每年举办一次,颁发给在德国及全球设计领域具有开创性意义的设计作品,是推动设计风向的重要奖项。
2025第十四届德国国家设计奖 German Design Award已于官网公布获奖名单。
黄浦区外滩02单元更新设计 Huangpu District Bund 02 Renewal Unit
城市空间与基础设施 Urban Space and Infrastructure 金奖 GOLD
获奖者:ppas珮帕施设计事务所 pp a丨s Pesch & Partner, Architekten & Stadtplaner
业主:Shanghai Bund Urban Renewal Investment Development Co., Ltd.
ESSCA School of Management
建筑 Architecture 金奖 GOLD
获奖者:GUIRAUD-MANENC SARL d'architecturePatrick Vacher
业主:ESSCA Group
Taborama residential high-rise
建筑 Architecture 金奖 GOLD
获奖者:querkraft architektur
Wangen Turm
概念建筑 Conceptual Architecture 金奖 GOLD
获奖者:Institute for Computational Design and Construction (ICD) Prof. Achim Menges/Institute of Building Structures and Structural Design (ITKE) Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jan Knippers/Cluster of Excellence Integrative Computational Design and Construction of Architecture - IntCDC
业主:Stadt Wangen im Allgäu
Usbekistan Pavillon (Expo 2025 Osaka)
展会与展览 Fair and Exhibition 金奖 GOLD
获奖者:ATELIER BRÜCKNER/Nüssli Gruppe
业主:Uzbekistan Art and Culture Development Foundation
Haus LFS
室内设计 Interior Architecture 金奖 GOLD
获奖者:Constanze Ladner Interior Design
DTU Life Science & Bioengineering
室内设计 Interior Architecture 金奖 GOLD
获奖者:Rørbæk og Møller Arkitekter A/S; Christensen & Co
业主:Technical University of Denmark
Landratsamt Freising
室内设计 Interior Architecture 金奖 GOLD
业主:Landratsamt Freising Hochbauabteilung 6
fink restaurant & suites
室内设计 Interior Architecture 金奖 GOLD
获奖者:ASAGGIO Architecture Gmb H/srl; Gamper Stefan; Stefan Hecht
业主:Familie Fink
Innovatives Design trifft Tradition
零售建筑和室内 Retail Architecture 金奖 GOLD
获奖者:smartvoll Architekten ZT KG
业主:Von Köck Juwelier GmbH
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